The 7 must-see Italian castles: A journey through history and wonder


If you love castles and history, Italy has some truly spectacular ones! Let’s go!

1. Castello Sforzesco, Milan: A walk through art and history

Let’s start with Milan’s Castello Sforzesco. This place is seriously impressive! As soon as you step in, you’re greeted by a huge courtyard surrounded by thick walls that instantly showcase the power of the Sforza family. But it’s not just a fortress; inside, you’ll find museums that house masterpieces like Michelangelo’s Pietà Rondanini. Pretty amazing, right?

2. Palazzo Vecchio, Florence: A dive into Medici history

In Florence, Palazzo Vecchio is a true gem. You really feel immersed in the city’s and the Medici family’s history here. The Salone dei Cinquecento is vast and richly decorated, and climbing the tower gives you a fantastic view of Florence. It’s one of those places that makes you feel like you’re walking through the pages of a history book.

3. Castello di Miramare, Trieste: A dream overlooking the Adriatic

Next up is Trieste, where I found the Castello di Miramare, a true dream overlooking the sea. Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Austria really knew how to pick a stunning spot to live! The park is beautiful, and the castle itself looks like it’s straight out of a fairy tale. You can get lost in its elegant rooms and enjoy the breathtaking view of the gulf.

4. Castello Aragonese, Ischia: An Island in history

The Castello Aragonese in Ischia is one of those places that leaves you speechless. Situated on an islet connected to the mainland, it offers incredible panoramic views. Every corner of the castle tells a story of battles and conquests, and its strategic location makes you understand why it was so important to defend. Perfect for those who love places full of charm and mystery.

5. Reggia di Caserta: The Italian Versailles

Then there’s the Reggia di Caserta, which is simply majestic. If you love opulent palaces, this is your paradise. With its endless gardens and dramatic fountains, the Reggia feels like it’s straight out of a baroque dream. No wonder it’s often compared to Versailles. Every room is a burst of art and luxury that will leave you in awe.

6. Castello Aragonese, Taranto: A dive into military architecture

In Taranto, I visited the other Castello Aragonese, a masterpiece of military architecture. You can really feel the history here, from the imposing towers to the mysterious underground passages. It’s a perfect spot for those curious about how a city defended itself from maritime attacks. The guided tours are super interesting and make you appreciate the construction’s brilliance even more.

7. Castel Sant’Elmo, Naples: The star of Vomero

Finally, we couldn’t miss Castel Sant’Elmo in Naples. This castle dominates the city from the Vomero hill, offering a view that takes your breath away. Its star-shaped design is truly unique, and inside, it hosts exhibitions and events that keep it lively and engaging. Perfect for an afternoon exploring and enjoying Naples from above.

These seven castles have been a real discovery. Each one has something special and tells a unique story. If you’re in Italy and love exploring places brimming with history and beauty, make sure to put them at the top of your list!