L’isola di Arturo ha ormai cinquantatré anni e nemmeno una ruga: il tempo, quello che invecchia i libri alla moda, sembra non aver sfiorato questo romanzo nutrito di fantasie, sogni e misteri tali da far pensare a un racconto avventuroso d’altra epoca.
Elsa Morante
Arthur’s Island is now fifty-three years old and not even a wrinkle: time, the time that ages fashionable books, seems not to have touched this novel nourished with such fantasies, dreams and mysteries as to make one think of an adventure tale from another era.Elsa Morante
Procida, pearl of the Gulf of Naples in 2022 was much more than an island: it was the Capital of Italian Culture.
For the first time since 2014, the birth date of the project, an island has been nominated as Capital of Italian Culture. In fact, it reached the final with an important title “La cultura non isola” and with very clear ideas: 44 cultural projects, 330 days of programs, 240 artists, 40 original works, 8 renovated cultural spaces.
This is a big challenge which show so much desire to accompany Italy in the recovery of tourism after the pandemic of Covid- 19
The beauty of Procida represents the charm of Campania, the Mediterranean architecture that merges with the blue of the sea, the people and their stories to tell. It is one of the most evocative places also for its environmental beauties and hidden beaches.

One million euros with the aim of redeveloping cultural heritage and services by creating a new tourism model. A fundamental step for the Campania region to move towards a vision of change and growth.
In 2018 was Palerm, in 2019 Matera (which was also the European Capital of Culture). In 2020 Parma, riconfirmed in 2021, due to the cancellation of the 2020 events following the emergency caused by Covid-19.
The island of Procida can be reached in less than an hour from Naples and one of the first things you will notice upon your arrival will be the colours of the houses, as enchanting as a beautiful rainbow, welcoming you.

The heart of the island is Terra Murata, the medieval village located on top of the island, 90 meters above the sea, in the most suggestive point. It can be reached via a climb from which you can admire a breathtaking view over the entire Gulf of Naples. Dominating the view is the Castle of Avalos, which can be reached by walking along uphill, narrow and steep streets.
Then there is La Corricella, a whole different story. The oldest seaside village of Procida, a small refuge, an oasis where you can relax in absolute tranquility. You get there at the end of a steep flight of steps with several bifurcations, perhaps a bit tiring but it will be worth it.

Also not to be missed is Vivara, a small island in the Gulf of Naples, a protected natural oasis since 1974 and a state nature reserve since 2002. Here live rare plants, wild bunnies and water birds, it is also home to important archaeological finds.
The sea will conquer your heart, wherever you are you will never lose sight of it. Along the coast you will find quiet coves, pebble beaches and breathtaking coves. On the island you can discover secret places, secluded beaches, hidden descents and immersed in the “Macchia Mediterranea” that open onto enchanting views.
We will be happy to accompany you to one of the Italian capital of culture at any time you want. We are here, ready to tailor your trip just as you are imagining it now.